Q: How do I pay for pet sitting services?
We require a credit card to hold all pet sitting reservations.
Shortly after your pet sitting assignment is complete, we will charge your card on file for service.
We will always email you a detailed invoice/receipt marked “Paid” so that you may review your charges, and all of your itemized invoices and payments are viewable in the client portal.
Q: Do I make reservations with my pet sitter directly?
No. Please call the business office for reservations or cancellations. You may contact your pet sitter directly to check in on your pets while he/she is pet sitting for you.
However, please do not schedule new pet sitting or cancel appointments with the pet sitters. This leads to billing errors and/or missed appointments.
Please note: Pet sitters are representatives of the company and have signed a non-solicit agreement. At no time are they allowed to solicit business from clients referred to them by the company.
If they do so, or if they accept pet sitting jobs “on the side,” they are at risk of losing their jobs. Please help us keep our terrific pet sitters on staff by not offering them jobs on the side.
Reservations made directly through the pet sitters (not through the company) are not covered under the business liability and bonding insurance.
Q: What if I need to cancel my pet sitting reservations?
If you need to cancel pet sitting appointments, please give us at least 24 hours notice.
Regular fees will apply if the pet sitter travels to your home and you are already there and did not cancel.
Q: How do you handle keys/home access?
We prefer not to keep keys on file. We encourage the use of combination-locked key lock boxes, in which you simply place your key, and then place the lockbox in a mutually agreed upon location, either on your front door or elsewhere on your property.
Realtors and other professional home-service companies use a similar device.
You will always have knowledge of where your key is, won’t risk having your key misplaced by a sitter, and can change the combination on the lockbox as frequently as you’d like (just please make sure we always have the proper combination so that we can get your key).
Most importantly, we can always send a backup sitter to your home should your primary sitter have an emergency or otherwise be unable to complete a scheduled pet sitting visit.
Our key lock boxes are included in the New Account Set-Up fee and are yours to keep.
If you would prefer not to use a lockbox, you may leave your key in a secure location on your property for your pet sitter, or we can pick up and return our key.
There will be a $5.00 key pick-up/drop-off charge to reimburse the pet sitter for gas and time.
Q: I’m not sure what my dog will do when a pet sitter walks into the house. Can you still pet sit for us?
If you are not completely sure that your dog will allow a pet sitter into your home while you are NOT there, then we cannot accept the pet sitting assignment.
Entering your home when you are away is a condition of our pet sitting service; attempting to care for a potentially aggressive dog puts the pet sitter at risk and does not allow us to fulfill our promise to you to care for your pets and home.
We can only pet sit for friendly, non-aggressive pets that have no history of biting, fighting or attacking people or other animals.
Q: What if I’m delayed getting home?
We will be happy to continue pet sitting for you as long as you call us to let us know that you are delayed.
Your primary pet sitter will most likely be able to continue the pet sitting, but if he or she is unavailable we will send a backup sitter until you return home.
If you are a frequent traveler and are often delayed, we can set up a system where you call us after every trip to let us know you have returned home, and if we do not hear from you we can automatically continue pet sitting until you call us. Regular rates for the extra visits will apply.
Q: What is your hurricane policy?
We will do our best to continue your pet sitting appointments as scheduled in any inclement weather.
However, in severe weather, we reserve the right to alter your pet sitting schedule, i.e. visit your dogs only twice a day and your cats only once, even if you reserved more. We may also need to change your appointment times if needed.
If there are bridge closures, tornado watches, severe flooding, or high winds, we may need to bring your pet(s) to our pet sitters’ homes if they are in a safer location, or if we will not be able to make it to your home to care for your pets.
Q: How much notice do you need to schedule pet sitting?
Please try to give at least a few days’ notice for pet sitting assignments or new client “meet & greets” so that we have time to arrange services with your pet sitter.
If you regularly request last minute/same day service, there may be a last minute reservation fee.

Q: How long do the visits last?
Our visits are approximately 30-minutes.
During this time, your pet sitter will feed/water your pets, provide walking or outside time for dogs, provide playtime and attention for all pets as tolerated, clean-up litter boxes and pet sitters’ work areas, provide any home care services needed, and leave a Pet Care Report about the visit.
Please feel free to leave a note for your pet sitter outlining things you would like to be done.
Midday dog walking visits are also about 30-minutes in length, but generally, do not include any home care or feeding.
You may also request 45 and 60-minute visits for an additional fee.
Q: What times will you come to my house to care for my pets?
We generally do our pet sitting visits from 7:00-9:00a.m., 12:00-2:00p.m., 3:00-5:00pm, and 7:00-9:00p.m.
Midday dog walking visits are generally done between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. We will make every effort to follow your pet’s routine and visit your home at your requested times.
If you’d like to request pet sitting at different times, let us know and we can check the availability of our sitters.
However, we cannot promise to be there at an exact time each day; we prefer to have a mutually agreeable “ballpark” time that is acceptable to you and your pets, during which we can promise to visit your home.
Pet sitters usually have more than one family they are caring for and sometimes run into traffic or inclement weather while driving which can cause them to be delayed.
Very late and very early appointments can pose a safety threat to our sitters.
Q: Will I have the same pet sitter on every visit?
Every effort is made to assign one pet sitter to each client’s household.
However, a backup sitter will be sent to your home should your sitter be ill, have an emergency, be on vacation, or have scheduling problems.
The backup pet sitter will be in touch, if possible, with your regular pet sitter and will have access to all of the pet care and home care information in your file.
Q: Can I leave my pet sitter a tip?
Of course! If you feel your pet sitter took good care of your pets and home, please show them your appreciation by leaving a tip, card, etc.
You may leave them cash or a check made payable to them directly, or you may include a tip in your payment to the company and it will be forwarded 100% to your pet sitter.
Please note: Should we have a direct hit from a hurricane, our pet sitters may be evacuating with their own pets and families.
We should always have your contact information on file so that we can reach you in case of an emergency.
You should also have an emergency plan in place for your pets if you are out of town. Please let us know what that emergency plan is, i.e. having your pets evacuate with a neighbor, dropping your pets off to a location out of harm’s way, etc.
We will be happy to transport pets before a hurricane hits. If you are unreachable in an emergency, we will do everything in our power to evacuate your pet(s) with us.
However, it would be impossible to evacuate all of our clients’ pets. So please have an emergency plan available.